The children and staff in the Infants Department would like to sincerely thank all the dads who came for the Father’s Day Breakfast. It was a very special function for us all and we should not forget the mums who were at school at 4:00am to make the breakfast and some of the mums also stayed to serve breakfast promptly at 7:00am. Thank you to all our parents who supported this event, guests, chiefs and waitresses alike!!!
Our P.E. (Physical Education) staff was busy for the first half of the term preparing the children for Sports day. Following tradition our sports day coincides with Grandparents Day. Our Sports Day and Grandparents day has always been the biggest function in the school as we have always enjoyed an outpouring of support from the parents and grandparents. This year was no exception. We had a whale of a time with our grandparents and the grandchildren ran their races to impress. We hope that our grandparents are enjoying the gifts that the children made especially for them in class.
We are looking forward to the main event for the term, our annual Shopping on Wheels. Some children are already practicing on their new scooters and bicycles at home. We hope that by the 18th of July everybody will be comfortable on their wheels. Parents please be reminded that fuel powered vehicles are not allowed as they are usually too big, too fast and not environmentally friendly!