We follow a broad based amalgamated British and Zimbabwean curriculum, and the following subjects are taught at Junior level; English, Mathematics, General Science, History, Geography, French, Shona, Art and Design, Music, Information Communication Technology (Computers) Religious Education and Physical Education (PE). Assemblies are attended by all Juniors in the Apollo Hall. Programmes of Study set out what each child will be taught in each Year, and this forms the basis for planning termly schemes of work.


The progress of Students is closely monitored, and both formal and informal assessments are continuously made. Internal Examinations are held twice a year in July and October. Year 6 students write the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Examination at this time. These papers are set and marked by Cambridge Examination Centre in England and provide our school and parents with an international benchmark for each child’s performance. Each student receives a statement of achievement and a diagnostic feedback report. A full school report for each child is given each term which will highlight the strengths and weaknesses in each subject. Encouragement and praise is the norm, but if there are problems teachers are committed to help individual students English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, French, Shona, Art and Design, Music, Information Communication Technology (ICT.) Religious Education and Physical education. Assemblies are attended by all Juniors in the Apollo Hall.

Programmes of Study set out what each child will be taught at each grade, and this forms the basis for planning schemes of work for each term.


Bhekinkosi Mate

Junior Department Headmaster