The Junior Department

The Junior Department comprises of children aged from 7yrs to 12yrs who are in Year 3 up to Year 7. The department provides a friendly environment between staff and pupils. We encourage and help each pupil to aim high and to produce quality work. Our teaching methods are designed to motivate and encourage pupils to be eager to learn and to take part in all school activities with a positive attitude.


The progress of all pupils is closely monitored through a three-pronged assessment strategy that covers short-term, long-term and continuous assessment. Examinations are held twice each year in July and in November. A detailed report which reflects the pupils’ performance, his/her strength and weaknesses is sent out to parents twice a year after the examinations.


The Junior Department has modern classrooms which are airy and have plenty of light. Our specialist rooms include one Science Laboratory, a very specious Art room, a well stocked Library, Information and Communication Technology Laboratory, a modern music room and a large lecture theatre. The School’s Apollo Hall is used for Assemblies, public examinations and social gatherings.
Sports facilities and the pavilion are shared with other departments in the Heritage school.


The wearing of uniform is compulsory throughout the school. All uniform items are bought from the school uniform shop which is situated in the Junior Department.


Homework is an important part of the school’s approach to help pupils reach their full potential. All pupils in the Junior Department are given homework each day including weekends with the amount of work varying according to their year groups.


We take our sports seriously and all pupils are encouraged to be involved in different sporting activities on offer each term. Our major sports are Rugby, Cross Country, Hockey, Swimming, Athletics, Cricket and Tennis. Dancing, Gymnastics and Karate are some of the additional sports on offer.

Educational Tours

A number of Educational Tours are planned each year for all grades in the Department. These are undertaken to enhance different topics which would have been covered in different subjects.

School Times

All pupils in the Department must be in their classrooms by 7:15am for registration. The children finish formal lessons at 12:50pm. Afternoon activities take place from 1:15pm to 3:15pm. Supervised Study is organized for those pupils who have a later starting activity.

Parental Involvement

Parents are encouraged to share relevant information and ideas with school so that teachers and parents work together for the positive development of the student. Positive results have been noted where parents and teachers work together as a team. We report on the students’ progress on a brief Half Term Assessment. Parents can request to have a meeting with teachers of their choice to discuss how best the student can be assisted. We also produce full report books at the end of each term in the academic year. Formal consultation is held between parents and teachers at least two evenings in the year. This helps us to identify problems early and take action before it is too late. Parents can discuss with teachers at other times convenient to both parties also.


We are committed to the well being of each pupil in the department. All pupils are treated fairly and there is great emphasis on good behaviour. There are school rules to be followed by all pupils, with sanctions being implemented for any misdemeanours. The school follows a policy of reward rather than punishment. Corporal punishment is not permitted in the school.

Bhekinkosi Mate

Junior Department Headmaster