The Senior Department of The Heritage School follows an amalgamated curriculum of both the British National curriculum and the Zimbabwean curriculum. There is some moderation, or streaming, of classes in Mathematics and English Language, in order to facilitate the best learning outcomes for the students.

Students in Year Seven and Year Eight enrol for a suite of subjects comprising of a range of compulsory and optional courses. These subject include: English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, A Second Language, Geography, History, Information Communication Technology (Computing), Art and Design, Theology, Physical Education, Personal, Social and Health Education, Music and Food Science

In Year Nine and Ten students begin to select their IGCSE subjects for which they will write exams in Year Eleven. This is done in consultation between parents, or guardians, teachers and the student.

Sports Curriculum

All pupils at the Heritage School are expected to participate in sport. The school has a competitive history in Swimming, Tennis, Squash, Basketball, Netball, Field Hockey, Indoor Hockey, Rugby, Cricket, Football, Athletics (Track & Field), Cross-country, Golf, Achery and Rowing.