Infant Department Allied Arts

Tom AustinSchool News

Image06Last term our choirs participated in the National Institute of Allied Arts Vocal and Instrumental Festival. The Reception Choir was awarded with Honours for the second year in a row and the Year 1 and 2 Combined Choir was also awarded with the Honours grade. The year 1 and 2 Choir also received the “Astra Trophy” for the best choir in their age group, a trophy they have held on to for 5 successive years. We are very happy with our achievement and we appreciate all the hard work that goes into attaining such honours.

We are looking forward to the Allied Arts Speech and Drama Festival which will run from the 23rd of June to the 11th of July. All the children who will be performing have been working hard on their poems. We wish them all the best at the upcoming Festival. We hope that parents will attend and support them.