Welcome to 2016!
The beginning of the 2016 school year has arrived! For many it is a significant year: first year in high school, a big exam year, selecting academic subjects sport options, or last year of secondary school – whatever it is, it’s going to be a big year for all of us here at The Heritage School.
A question we all need to be asking ourselves is “How do we make it a successful year?” Our motto at Heritage is alta pete, or aim high and this is something that applies in all aspects of education, learning and growing – it is an attitude that I hope for all our students to mature in and take on with them when they finish school and move on to the next chapter in life.
It is also an attitude that should be expected from day one, both in the classroom and out. Starting the year with an excellent attitude sets the standard for what lies ahead: our students can expect their teachers to begin the year with excellence in mind, and we are expecting the same from them.
For me, it is an exciting new year and my first at Heritage. I am looking forward to meeting you all at various times and events during the year. I am also excited about the great things happening at the school, projects we are involved in, and for our students to grow and experience meaningful, holistic learning opportunities as we continue working to help you equip them for adult life.
One of the greatest influences on our children’s learning success is family support, parents and guardians modelling a high value for all aspects of their education. So I encourage you, as we start a new year, to be as involved and supportive as you can in as much of your children’s schooling as possible: growing and learning is hard work and the best outcomes are achieved with the support and encouragement of both the home and the school.
A critical factor in pursuing a successful education is developing character traits such as perseverance, courage, resilience and healthy respect for self and others. It is my prayer that one of the lasting marks on our students is the positive character that they will take away from their experience at Heritage, together with achieving the best that they can in the classroom, on the sport field and in extra curricula pursuits.
Once again, I look forward to working with your children, their teachers and you during the year as we aim high and seek the best for each of our students. In the weeks ahead, I hope to update you on progress and developments within the senior department at The Heritage School and also share some of the successes and challenges that lie down the road!
Please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call in at the senior department office to set up a meeting with me if you would like to discuss anything related to your children’s education.
[/vc_column][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/3″][vc_row_inner padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column_inner fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″]Mr Simon Allott
Senior Department Headmaster