Headteacher’s News

Heritage SchoolSenior Department Leave a Comment

End of Term

With only a few days left of term, the challenge to finish well is mounting! There is always a temptation to let things go and unravel a bit at the end of a long term but it is important that we endeavour to make the most of every opportunity, for learning, for family, for business, for life. My motivation for emphasizing this need to finish well is two-fold:

  1. Generally, we don’t have a lot of spare time during the term to ensure we achieve what we are aiming for in each of our learning areas, and we can take a break during the school holiday!
    And, more importantly in many respects,

  2. Attitude, we are always developing our attitudes towards everything that we are involved in, whether family, work, studies, sport, recreation. The way we approach any area of life says a lot about our attitude towards it. And my attitude toward anything is entirely within my responsibility and capacity to shape, we all know that a positive attitude enables us to achieve good results, overcome greater obstacles and enjoy more out of the gift of life we have. Learning to finish well, finish strong is an important element in developing a positive attitude towards learning and life.

So let’s work on finishing well this term!



Friends of the Heritage

The Parent Committee is always on the look out for other members of the parent community to get involved and help with organising events, creating links between the School and outside communities and businesses, proposing and assisting with projects to develop aspects of School life and activities, contributing to an inclusive, positive School community culture, 

If you have ideas that you think would benefit the School in some way, or don’t have ideas but would like to get involved with someone else’s ideas then speak to Mrs Razunguzwa or one of the other members of the parent team!

So let’s work on finishing well this term!

Simon Allott

Senior Department Headteacher

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